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Art: iPhone Art & New Yorker Magazine  


Jorge Colombo brings a whole new meaning to finger painting. If you saw him on the sidewalk, cradling an iPhone in his hand, you'd think he was texting a friend or e-mailing his wife.

But pull in a little closer and you'll see something else. Lively street corners. Graceful silhouettes. New York City skyscrapers stretching past the clouds. All captured by a fingertip dancing across an iPhone screen.

Using the Brushes application, one of thousands of available for the iPhone and iPod touch, he has digitally painted dozens of iconic New York scenes, including Grand Central Terminal, classic downtown delicatessens and the Empire State Building.

One of his sketches assumed a spot coveted by artists in New York and all over the world: the cover of The New Yorker magazine on May 26.
Source: abc news

There’s a companion application, Brushes Viewer, that makes a video recapitulating each step of how Colombo composed the picture. (Watch how he drew this week’s cover above.) Colombo leans heavily on the Undo feature: “It looks like I draw everything with supernatural assurance and very fast—it gets rid of all the hesitations.”

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