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Short Film: L&R  


This is the tale of Left-brained Larry & Right-brained Rachel, a Siamese twin couple, stuck together by the head and thus resulting in them sharing only one brain. Using exactly fifty percent each, their separate personalities are kept intact and following the theory, being either left- or rightbrained, Larry and Rachel are complete opposites. They have a hard time being stuck together with their counterpart, but not only do they hate each other, their abnormality also makes them dislikable to the people around them, leaving them with a melancholy life of bullying and parental neglect. One thing the couple shares though is a common hatred and a longing for revenge. The opportunity arrives when they find out that using the whole brain at once might give them supernatural powers that can help rid them of their enemies. But the tragic lesson is learned: Being so opposite their team work is doomed to go terribly wrong.

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