Artist: Jose Romero Jr.
Labels: art, artists, paintings 0 commentsPraying for Dad | 60in x 70in | Oil on canvasMalevolent Combat | 60in x 70in | Oil on canvas
Emotional Rancor Part 1 Top | 48in x 48in | Oil on canvas

Emotional Rancor Part 2 Bottom | 48in x 48in | Oil on canvas
The paintings of Jose Romero Jr. are a fusion of his Mexican-American identity and a dialogue with multiple art historical legacies. Jose studied Painting at Michigan State University, graduating in 2001 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree and then went on to receive his Masters of Visual Arts from the Art Institute of Boston in 2006. It was during graduate school where he asked himself why he painted and discovered he wanted to confess his story. He states: "I develop my paintings largely through subconscious inspiration. Often, a symbol, an image, or a phrase will begin my creative process. Within this process an academic component of research drives my ideas. Methodical investigations into art history focusing on the storytelling paintings of the Northern Renaissance fuel my desire to understand myself as a painter. Studies into psychology create a deeper understanding of the implications my surreal imagery may carry. Cultural iconography along with the use of intense color and unique perspectives enhance the power of my imagery." For more of Jose's work visit: www.joseromerojr.com
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