Fashion: Bandee
Labels: designers, fashion, street wear 1 commentsIf you’re anything like me ladies, your purse is probably close in weight to a small dog. You carry not only a purse but some kind of ‘tote’ bag to work daily. Then you can’t forget the gym bag you have in your car. How do we do it? 500 items in 10 different places, it’s no wonder we misplace our car keys on a routine basis. And men, don’t worry I got you covered too. Headed the gym? We all know those gym shorts don’t have pockets. Try this out for those afternoon runs or days at the beach.
I happened to stumble upon this website over the weekend, and I think it could be the answers to all my problems. Maybe not all my problems but defiantly my car key issue.It’s a multi functional sash that holds mobile phones, ipods, keys, money, and all those things which otherwise fill up pockets or get lost in the daily shuffle. bandee:s come in a huge variety of colors and designs to suit pretty much all tastes.

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April 30, 2009 at 2:38 AM
seen such a bandee in LA, didn’t know its from berlin. great idea, thanks. f