Artist: Miles Wickham
Labels: art, artists, graffiti, paintings 1 commentsBrooklyn graffiti artist and painter, Miles Wickham (also known as Reskew) is a young artist on the rise; his watercolor and ink paintings are extremely original and absolutely amazing. Last Thursday we were honored to speak with him on the topics of street art, graffiti and his current work. Peep more of Miles's work on FlickrRIVE: Why did you start painting with watercolor?
MW: I was ready to try something different since I had been doing graffiti for 9 years. When I added the ink to the watercolor, it brought out the colors along with an unintentional feeling and created lots of movement, so I loved the new technique.RIVE: What other mediums are you working with?
MW: Acrylic, spray paint, markers, oils, guache and whatever I come across pretty much.RIVE: What and who are some of your influences?
MW: Graffiti artist like T-Kid and Seen, who made the most of their canvas which was usually subway cars. The whole look of a beautifully painted train car amongst an urban landscape background; the rough with the smooth and the old masters like Van Gogh inspire me with the ability to bring a flat surface to life.RIVE: Would you label yourself a street artist?
MW: I never labeled myself a street artist, in graffiti terms a street artist is not a graffiti writer. I have no interest in doing anything in the street if it is NOT requested. I have a new outlook on the term "boundaries" and personal freedom.RIVE: Some advice you can share with us relating to street art?
MW: Well, if you're gonna do it, put some effort in and make it an art, not just an illegal advertisement; that's my opinion. I see my previous tendencies to be a rebel, as a block to my personal growth and empowerment. Remember the saying 'you can't fight fire with fire'?
July 26, 2009 at 4:47 AM
That's incredible. I love the vibrant colors. It's nice to break away from the drab 'Depression Chic' colors that seem to have invaded our lives. What a great inspiration.