Photography: Jaime Martinez
Labels: art, artists, photography 1 commentsPhotographer, Jaime Martinez was born in Monterrey, Mexico and is currently living in Mexico City. Rive got a chance to converse with Jaime this past weekend to discuss some of his inspirations, favorite music and his amazing photography.RIVE: What are some of your inspirations?
JM: Music, the sky, the stars, the clouds, legs, teeth, hair, the night, my childhood.
RIVE: When did you start the hologram photos and why?
JM: Actually the technique is called Wiggle Stereoscopy. Since a few months ago I have a stereo camera that I found in a flea market (old model, it uses 35 film). Before that, last year I started to experiment with my digital camera and to do animated gifs from static photos. There's is no particular reason, i just like to experiment with images. I spend hours each day watching images, in reality and on the Internet, and I'm always curious about modifying images from the reality.RIVE: What could we find you doing when you're not shooting?
JM: On the internet. In the street walking alone or with my girlfriend, watching everything. At 7-eleven buying junk food and drinks. At home watching movies. I think I don't interact with people so much lately.RIVE: Favorite food for summertime? hotdogs, hamburgers ...?
JM: Tacos. But if I don't have the option, I would choose the hamburger.RIVE: Music you listen to / favorite live acts?
JM: Favorite bands: Godspeed You Black Emperor, A Silver Mt. Zion, Bardo Pond, Sonic Youth, Migala, Sr. Chinarro, Au Revoir Simone. Favorite live acts (I've seen): Sonic Youth, Mogwai, Lift to Experience, Sunn o))), Deerhunter, Kap Bambino.RIVE: What should we look forward to next from you?
JM: In a short term more gifs, more photos, a book. Later I want to try to make a music video for a band of friends. Also a short movie, but that will take longer.
RIVE: How can people contact you and see more of your work?
JM: My portfolio address is and there are the other links were you can find me. My contact email is
July 23, 2009 at 6:02 PM
Those gif's are super cool.
Love it!