Art: Last Meals on Canvas
Labels: art, artists, paintings 2 commentsKate MacDonald is an artist from Canada and is currently living in Vancouver; her cityscapes and light boxes have most recently exhibited at Vancouver's CANVAS Gallery; her continuing series of Last Meal paintings, which she considers her most important work, have been shown throughout Texas, as well as being exhibited in California, Conneticut, Ohio, and Vancouver. Read and view Kate's progress on Darrell Grayson's last meal painting.
September 11, 2009 at 3:20 PM
For anyone who may be interested, the Cameron Todd Willingham case has been receiving a lot of publicity in the last few weeks due to a New Yorker article that provides compelling evidence of his innocence, a petition protesting his execution can be found at camerontoddwillingham.com .
As to you Rive - thanks for the feature!
September 12, 2009 at 6:57 AM
Beautiful article. What a fine reading experience too. Kudos to your mag. I love it.